I Do not Know How to Link Them Together to File a NIW Green Card Application |
Dr. William:
I want to file a NIW green card application. My PhD research project is about the polymer material, and now I am working in a hospital for medical research of artificial components. I spoke to a lawyer who sounded good from his web site, and he said I need find a link between my PhD research and my current work, but I do not know how to link them together to file a NIW green card application.
You should not try to separate your current work from your PhD research project. Currently, you are working on medical research of artificial components, and the hospital must use many different materials for the artificial components.
You should make sure to let the USCIS know that you are working in the same field as you did during the PhD research period, or work in the field which is very similar to your PhD work, and the only difference between your graduate research and current work is that your current work is to improve Americans health-related conditions directly, and it has a direct impact on the health of thousands of lives everyday in the United States. Therefore your current work should be in the U.S. National Interest.
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